Monday, August 23, 2010

Yellowstone, take 2.

I'm back, and I have a lot to catch up on.
So today I'm devoted to sharing this summer's adventures with you.
We'll start with our second trip of the year to Yellowstone.
Enjoy the pics!

We spent the day with Grandma and Grandpa

This is us hiking around the geysers.

You'll notice Evalyn's over-sized butterfly shirt.
She saw that in West Yellowstone before we entered the park,
and just HAD to have it.
So Grandma and Grandpa, (being so sweet) obliged. :)

Here we are in front of my favorite geyser, Puffing Dragon.

The museum was a great stop for us all.

She kept calling Buffalo, Elk...
too much Elk Refuge exposure I guess. :)>

She was listening to music, and the headphones kept squishing her cheeks together.
It looked so uncomfortable, but she was just loving rocking out.

What a cutie!

As always, we enjoyed our time together and were so
glad we got to share the day with Grandma and Grandpa.
Thanks so much for everything G & G!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You updated your blog! i just LOVE the picture of Evalyn rocking out with the headphones on! She is just TOO cute!
    I'm glad you guys get to enjoy Yellowstone a lot! Very cool! :-)
