Saturday, April 10, 2010

Here we go!

What better way to begin my first post than to celebrate Spring?! Despite a significant snow storm last week, we have still been managing to go to the park almost every day. If you know anything about Evalyn, you'll understand why we leave the house to get some fresh air and exercise every day...
So we played on the swings.

Then Evalyn found something else for us all to do...
Reuben tried hard to understand what it was she wanted of him.
Then, Evalyn found a big dirt clod and it became a dragon, I think. She showed me where it's head, shoulders and legs were.

Reuben was happy that Evalyn found a dragon, but was too
busy learning about leaves and grass to care much.
After a long while, Evalyn began playing on the slide.

Still learning about leaves.
P.S.Can you believe he never even tried eating them?
Maybe that will come on another day of experimentation.

Evalyn decided to join Reuben.
This is her saying, "I'm not kicking Roo-bear momma, my foot is just near his head."

After 20 seconds of rest, she found...this...
And then I decided it was time to go.
Nice bike huh? My rocking new wheels this summer to take me all over town. It's funny biking in such a small town, farmers in their trucks look at me like they've never imagined anyone in their right mind biking to pick up some groceries a few blocks away. It's okay though, I like being healthy, economical and a little different.


  1. The picture of Evalyn saying "i'm not kicking reuben..." CRACKS ME UP! HA! She is SUCH a pistol :-) I bet dad says that a lot too! And Reuben looked A LOT like YOU in that picture too! I love that little guy! His hair is SO darn cute! Like a little baby mohawk :-)
    thanks for starting a blog to appease me :-) I am so excited to get pictures of them more often...(fingers crossed!) And I love the fact that you bike all over too! Jealous! I walk with Oscar in the backpack and Mak in her stroller, I told Nicole Chuck E Cheese was within walking distance and she laughed when I said it was just a little over a mile away :-)
    I'll call you later today, because I feel like we have a lot to catch up on! Love you!
    LOVE your kids! :-)
    Does Evalyn like your blog? Mak loves helping me with mine ;-)

  2. It took me about 6 days to get this up and running, (hopefully I'll get faster as I go) but that left Evalyn really bored. She enjoyed looking at the pictures when I was done though. And I must say, I'm very proud of myself too, despite it taking 3 times longer than it really should. Thanks for the inspiration!
